Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chapter 2

Sometime when I was 14 I decided to write a book. It's been 8 years and the book still isn't finished. It has a beginning and an end, sure. There is even a quite impressive storyline, if I might say so myself. But it's not done. It might sound that way, and if you are not a writer you wouldn't understand how things can sound so finished but yet they're not. It has flaws here and there, some ugly parts as well, but somehow I have never found the time or the courage to completely finish it. Because the day I will stop writing on that book it means I will have to find a publisher.

The reason I once started writing was simply because I could never finish anything. I hated it about myself, that I could start with a thousand new things but never finish one. I would start a story and stop midway. I would start a drawing and thorw it away because the eyes weren't working out the way I wanted to. I would suddenly be interested in making jewellry but then give it all up because I didn't have the patience for it. I still suffer from that small personality flaw, even though the exercise of writing a book did undo most of it.

I had promised myself that I would send in the manuscript (because technically, that's what it is since it has never been published) before my 21st birthday but then I went to the University and started studying Law. Bye bye free time. Bye bye discipline to read and write during the weeks. As I've said, it has been eight years since I have started writing this little booklet and about three versions of each chapter. All I need to do now is check for any inconsistencies and correct them.

In order to prevent myself from once again not finishing I have set myself a date. I will send in my manuscript the 5th of September, a day before the academic year starts once again. This means that I will have nine weeks (minus work and holiday) to edit 30 chapters. That comes down to 129 pages of removing inconsistencies, small mistakes, and rewriting certain parts.

There is one little advantage, on the 13th of March I visited a small café with my laptop. I ordered a coffee and edited chapter 1. That means that for today, chapter 2 is on the menu.

And I am so ready to take a bite!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you're talking about. I have about three manuscripts on the go at the moment. I'm heading back to varsity on Monday though, so I don't know when I'm going to work on them!

    I think I'm just going to dedicate an hour a day to working and completing it. If I can get into the habit hopefully it will come more easily.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!
